Eye Exam Services

Our Approach

Dr. Jesse A. Camen and her team recognize that no two eyes are the same and one person’s idea of perfect vision can differ from the next. That’s why we pride ourselves in offering individualized eye exams where the primary goal to make you “20/happy”.

La Jolla Office


Comprehensive Eye Care

There’s much more to good eyesight than being able to read that coveted 20/20 line at the bottom of the chart. We take the time with all our patients to ensure that not only are they seeing well and meeting all their visual demands, but also keeping in mind the importance of their all-day comfort.


Comprehensive Eye Exam

We begin with a thorough discussion about both your ocular health as well as your overall systemic health – did you know that some of the earliest signs of diabetes can actually be first detected in the eye?

Not only will you be thoughtfully assessed for the commonly known refractive errors (think nearsighted, farsighted, astigmatism, presbyopia), but we also examine how well the eyes are working together as a team as to facilitate good focus and avoid eyestrain (i.e.: that feeling of being on Zoom all day long).


Ocular Health

To dilate or not to dilate?

Dr. Jesse always recommends (but cannot require) dilation for all of our patients – regardless of symptoms or lack thereof. Sometimes, some of the scariest things that can happen inside of the eye have absolutely no symptoms at all – especially early on in the disease process. And as is with any health problems, early detection typically leads to better outcomes. Dilating the pupils allow for unobstructed views of the complete retina.


Retinal Imaging

Dr. Jesse also utilizes state of the art retinal imaging that takes less than 45 seconds in total for the entire process to be completed! These images can better evaluate the risk for developing macular degeneration, glaucoma, along with many other retinal conditions. Much like getting x-rays at the dentist on a yearly basis, retinal imaging is also recommended every year as to detect any changes that might indicate progression. Dr. Jesse will also happily provide you a copy of your images upon request.


Frame Selection

It’s more than finding a pair of glasses that you like. Our stylists are experts on matching frame shape to face shape, complementing and even enhancing your personal color palate that is your skin tone, hair and eye color. You should not only look good in your frames, but you should also feel good. Shop with confidence: every purchase you make includes one year warranty on every frame and two years on lenses.

Regular Eye Exams and Checkups

Preserving eyesight is becoming increasingly important as people live longer lives. Annual exams give us the opportunity to review your overall systemic health and how that affects your eyesight, and vice-versa. They even help in detecting early stage diseases like glaucoma, macular degeneration, and potentially certain kinds of cancer. We perform a neurological screening, test binocular visual balance, as well as the health of both eyes, including the anterior and posterior segments, and much more.

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